
forgotten shore

Posted on by Wess Foreman

I try this sort of painting (this pseudo-nonobjective abstract painting) from time to time, with little real success. These types of paintings are fun to make---very fun, in fact---carving out a balance in color and line and texture, walking that tightrope while making a million intuitive decisions every moment of the painting process. But arriving at a successful conclusion to a painting like this is difficult---too often I overwork the piece or lose sight of the initial spark. Then I let it sit on the sidelines for a while, and eventually, having become uninterested in the initial idea of the thing, I scrap the painting; I paint over it in favor of a fresh new idea. That's how it usually goes. This one was successful, however. Somewhat: it has survived to this stage, and I've thought of a title for it. What more could I ask for.

Forgotten Shore, 36x30", $500

Forgotten Shore, 36x30", $500